Monday, October 24, 2016

Mon Tues 10/24, 25 Collaborative Essay

Learning Target
Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts 
Analyze how two or more texts address similar themes or topics

Daily Activity:
1. Intro: should include specific reference to the film being discussed. 
Clear and focused thesis 
Set up context for the idea: for example, explain what/why/how "community" is important
2. Body: for each paragraph, set out a main idea. Evidence from either text with a warrant (explanation that connects the evidence to your claim). You must make the connection for readers. Point back to the thesis
3. Conclusion
Recap the discussion and make a final insight
Note: we use "present tense" verbs when analyzing text. Ex: Hrothgar's band pursues the troll, Grendel's father, and kills him.
Reminders/Due Dates:
Print multiple copies of your paper for peer review on Wed.

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